Just Off Glen Podcast. June 2022. Helping Students Control Their Destiny.
Glossy college brochures can be enticing. But deciding which colleges to apply to and untangling the admissions process doesn’t come easy. The good news is that Maria Nissi gives personalized guidance to help students take control of the admissions process so they can thrive in college and beyond!
Insights: The Newsletter of the Independent Educational Consultants Association. June/July 2019. Concurrent Enrollment: A Rehearsal for College.
As concurrent enrollment (CE) programs—also referred to as dual enrollment or dual credit—grow in public school districts across the country, more students than ever are graduating from high school with a college transcript. Many earn 30 or more credits, and some complete associate’s degrees before they walk across the stage at high school graduation. With federal support written into the Every Student Succeeds Act and state legislatures following suit, concurrent enrollment is positioned for continued growth. Read more on page 19.
Glens Falls Business Journal. May 10, 2018. Queensbury Woman Becomes Associate Of Independent Educational Consultants Association.
Maria Nissi of Queensbury has been accepted as an associate member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA).
She is now available for consulting with students in the region. Nissi provides consulting to help students find personal development paths, via selection of college programs best suited to them. Read more.